The step back in time to the olden days was brilliant.
I'm sure you'll agree, the mums all looked like finalists in the Miss Victoria contest (pictured!)
The 9 year old looked like Mark Lester, (the original Oliver) and all his pals looked fantastic in their various Victorian outfits - proper little scruffs! Even the tourists were stopping to take pictures of the rowdy gang of urchins marauding around the site. I think they thought they were all part of the 'show.'
The best bit was the Victorian-style lesson in the school, with the very scary teacher. She managed to tame all the Artful Dodgers in 5 seconds, and they were all immaculately behaved. They did handwriting from the inkwell, chanted their 9 times table, and completed some very tricky arithmatic.
I could see their 'real' teacher hastily taking notes, planning a classroom re-arrangement with desks in a row, and eyeing up the cane for all those pink bat bashing moments...
Great day, great memories...oh, and not a hair out of place, despite the mizzley rain and the gentle breeze!
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