Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Last But Not Least

There are a couple of 'lasts' this week.

It's the 9 year old's last assembly tomorrow. He's been at his first school for 6 years, and he now looks like a giant compared to the weeny reception kids. It's time for him to move to the middle school.

When we go to their assembly tomorrow, all the mothers, myself included, will need to take a big bag full of hankies. I just hope I don't do one of those 'out loud hiccupy sobs' like the 6 year old does.

Its also the last day of term on Friday. Hallelulia, praise the Lord - we can lie in, no more packed lunches to be made out of nothing to be found in the fridge, no more school uniform to wash....well, for 6 weeks anyway!

Oh - and today is also THE LAST DAY OF MY TREATMENT.
Now that's a canny good 'last' isn't it?!

My dad is running me in to the hospital this morning for my 11.10am appointment. I'll be laid out on that bloody uncomfortable bed for ONE LAST TIME, zapped, and then THAT IS IT! NO MORE!

We then plan to go out for lunch, and maybe a little glass of something.

So - go on! Have a glass of something sparkly tonight - I know its only Tuesday - but its a very special Tuesday....


  1. Hi Shents,

    The flags are going up at my house today, my appointment is 11.45, the last one. I too will be having a glass of something later, so here's to us, we have put up with a lot over these last eight months, CHEERS!

    Patricia x

  2. Congrats Shents. What a long journey it has been, you have definately won the gold medal. The champers tasted great for me, I hope you enjoyed yours and accompanied the drinks with plenty of toasts for great plans ahead! As terrible as the last eight months have been for you, I think I have seen and heard more about you and the kids, through this blog, than I have in the last 20 years! I can't thank you enough. xx
    ps I've been a blubbering mess of a mother at a school farewell, it's not pretty, don't go there!

  3. Patricia! Well done! Doesn't it feel great!
    I'd like to give you a huge cyber-space hug!
    Thank you for our forum chats, and yes- I shall be drinking to you tonight too.
    Well done, lass - enjoy the freedom!
    Shents x

  4. Hey Suze
    Isn't the internet amazing. I'm glad you're up to date with all my news now! Maybe you could fill me in sometime on all your exploits...another trip to China maybe?
    Hitting the fizzy stuff in a few mins, and plan to stay on it for at least 6 weeks. (I have to get through the school hols somehow!)
    Much love to you, dear pal
    Shents x

  5. Is Suze ahead of us, or was she drinking in the morning?? I need to go and buy mine, and drink it with William when he gets home! I'm sure this will feel like the best summer ever for you all. Loads of love, Jill.

  6. Jill - In a very strange way, it has already been the best summer ever (as well as the worst.) This may not make sense!?...
    ...When are you next over? We have lots of catching up to do. Can't wait to sip some sparkly with you.
    Much love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    PS I think Suze is a few hours ahead of us, and you're maybe behind me? Don't care - just crack a bottle open any time you like!

  7. Hi Shents, found your blog through the CR forum and it's amazing - you're an inspiration.
    So happy you've reached the last day of treatment now - no small achievement.
    Much luv and best wishes to you,
    Carole (Dizzie on the CR board) xxx

  8. Dizzie! Welcome!
    Thank you for your lovely comment.
    I've met some amazing people on the forum - I know you're a regular on there, and have helped so many people with some very wise words. I see you have a blog too. If I get a moment to myself over the next few days I will enjoy having a read of it.
    I wish you all the best
    Shents x

  9. FAB news Shents. I had a big glass of Diet Coke! So so so so glad this is over for you. I know exactly what you feel like saying it was best and worst. I felt like I had the best year and worst year all simultaneously 5 years ago. The paradox of life and its ups and downs. Tragedy bringing out the love and laughter and life in extraordinary ways. Your blog has been inspirational, entertaining and profound. I will be calling on you next time I am up in the North East for a big hug! Liz xxx

  10. Thanks for that, dear Liz.
    Call in soon - can't wait for that hug.

    Shents xxxxxxxxxx
